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Frequently Asked Questions
If you're traveling through our airport:
Please pardon our dust and watch for detour signage.
If you’re looking for updates: The expansion will not affect your travel plans, but there might be detours to your gate. Please visit for travel updates, and follow along with us on Facebook. Keep visiting our SNEAK PEEK page for the latest on the expansion design and airport amenities.
(Post passenger detour routes when necessary)
What type of restaurants can we expect?Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sit amet purus dui. Sed vel dapibus metus. Donec eleifend lacus consequat, pulvinar enim quis, vulputate dui. Aenean magna lectus, tempor fermentum dui at, laoreet viverra ipsum. Maecenas in tincidunt eros, quis sollicitudin leo. Quisque cursus ante lorem, et aliquam enim blandit nec.
How will this expansion impact ticket prices?Praesent vehicula pretium lacus, ac accumsan est lobortis eu. Nam id massa quis augue consequat interdum nec hendrerit odio. Mauris id pretium velit.
What are some of the highlights of the new design?Praesent vehicula pretium lacus, ac accumsan est lobortis eu. Nam id massa quis augue consequat interdum nec hendrerit odio. Mauris id pretium velit.
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